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Dr. John Gottman's research 戈特曼的科学研究

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BeHappy First Dating Coach(初次约会教练指导)

Find your true love with love science? 爱情科学帮你找到真爱

1 h
69 British pounds
Zomm Meeting/腾讯会议

Service Description

如果你是第一次和你的约会对象正式约会,我们将会为您提供基于爱情科学的约会指导,该方法基于美国爱情科学家约翰戈特曼(Dr. Jonh Gottman)教授50年的科学研究。 我们的约会指导能帮助您以下几个方面: 1. 高效深入了解约会对象 2.提升和陌生人心动的机会 3.避免被约会对象PUA或杀猪盘 如果牵手成功,我们将为你们提供8次约会指导,帮助您从8个维度:信任、冲突、性爱、金钱、家庭、娱乐、成长、梦想,全方位和约会对象,指导你们科学相爱,让你更加深刻地理解你的伴侣,了解你们的相似点和不同点。 对于刚刚确定恋爱关系,还不确定对方是不是你将与之共度一生的人,通过8次深入的约会对话,就能发现对方是否是你想要找的那个人,避免和错误的人结婚的痛苦。 如果你发现和他/她很合拍,那么这些约会能帮助你更好地了解你们之间的差异。避免今后因为一些“永久性问题”或难以改变的差异发生矛盾。 备注: 1.本次服务为初次约会(699RMB/人),其余8次约会请预定“8次约会指导”服务 2.我们不做红娘匹配,请自带约会对象喔或参加心动的对话相亲活动 3.约会过程,需全程录像,供研究和分析数据,如您预约服务,意味着您已经接受我们的数据隐私协议,详细参见 If you meet your dating partner for the first time, we'll give you dating coach based on the science of love, based on 50 years of scientific research by American love scientist Dr. Jonh Gottman. Our dating coach service can help you with: 1. Get to know your dating partner efficiently 2. Improve your first impression to strangers 3. Safe dating without superficial, hook-up, ghosting, etc. If you date with your dating partner successful, we will provide you with Eight Dates Coaching serivice, help you know your partner deeply from 8 dimensions: Trust & Commitment, Conflict, Sex & Intimacy, Work & Money, Family, Fun & Adventure, Growth & Spirituality, Dreams. All of dates subjects will guide you to love each other scientifically, let you know your partner deeply, including your similarities and differences. If your relationship is new, and you're wondering if this person you're dating is "the one", we encourage you to take the time with this 8 Dates subjects, that you'll utimately determine your happiness (or mistery) later. If you're not right for each other, you'll save yourself years of heartache and wrong marriage. If you find your dating partner match for your perfectly, these 8 dates coaching can help you better understand your differences. Prevent conflict down the road over some "Perpetual problems" and unchangeable differences. Remark: 1. This service is the first date coaching(110USD/person, change by exchange rate), the other 8 dates need to book "8 Dates coaching service" and make an appointment 2. We don't do matchmaking, please take your own dating partner or join "True Love Dialogue" Dating event 3. The entire process needs to be recorded for research and data analysis. If you book the service, it means that you have accepted our data privacy agreement. For details, please refer to

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us before 24 hours! Thanks! WeChat ID: BEHAPPY ID 取消或重新预约,请提前24小时联络我们!谢谢!

Contact Details

+440870 350 1298

2 Frederick Street, London, United Kingdom

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